blog post 5

Are the themes from one post that tie into other posts? if so, what are those connections?
In the second and third post, the connection of various costs can be made. In the second blog post, we focused on transaction costs that occur, while in the third post we focused on working on various teams. I think it is interesting to consider that there may also be transaction costs when working with a team. I think it would be interesting to further work to understand the various transaction costs that are faced by teams, or the various transaction costs within a given team. Both the second and third blog post focuses on teams and organizations and although there may be a distinction between a given team versus an organization, I believe it is relevant to note the similarities between the two functions. In many ways, an organization is just a large team, often made up of various smaller teams. I think it is interesting to think about the structure of an individual team versus an organization as a whole. I think depending on the size of the organization or team, they could be structured quite similarly for effectiveness. However, I do think it is important to recognize the different functions and goals of an organization as a whole versus a given team, to produce an effective team or organization structure. 

Aside from addressing the prompt are there ways to connect what you wrote about to course themes? Were there connections that are more obvious to you now than at the time you wrote the post? if so, can you elaborate on that? 
It was not obvious to me at the time when discussing different organizations I was involved in on-campus it was also relevant to understanding the different structures within the organizations. The connection of the blog post about various campus organizations and other teams that I have been apart, both of these posts discuss organizational structures. At the time I did not see the relevance in comparing a school organization structure to that of a team within a company or organization. Looking back at the two blog posts it is clear that these organizational structures can be compared. While the functions of various on-campus may be slightly different than those of other organizations it is still relevant to note that they could potentially embody similar organizational structures. 

Has your process for writing these posts evolved? Please explain how that has come about.
I think that my blog posts have expanded in the depth throughout these first blog posts. The very first blog post was very basic, and I did not do much to expand on the questions and the topics that I addressed in my response. In my second blog post, I think a did a better job going in-depth to further push the ideas and topics I discussed in my responses. I provided more context when responding to the prompted questions, and I think this helped provide relevant information for the reader to better understand the various groups and organizational structures I was referring to. I think it was important to provide this context, as most readers may be unfamiliar e with the organizations being discussed in my various responses. From my second to third blog post I think I did a better job organizationally and responding to the individual thoughts and questions with a complete and thoughtful answer. 

Now put yourself in the position of writing the prompt (this one or other prompts for future posts). What would you like to see? Can you give some reasons for that.
In my next blog posts, I want to make sure that I answer every part of the question thoughtfully and completely. I also want to do a better job connecting the various parts of the question in my responses. I think it will be useful to ensure that I’m answering all parts of the questions, as it oftentimes easy to miss answering part of a question. I also think it will help further my understanding of the topic if I’m able to relate the various parts of the question to gain a more comprehensive idea of the topic(s). 


  1. In this post you were quite abstract in what you wrote. I encourage you to use specific examples to illustrate the points you make. Finding an appropriate example is time consuming. The reward from doing so is that you will understand the economics with some greater depth. I'm afraid that you are just skimming the surface and not getting much out of the exercise - doing it because it is required, but not getting into it for your own learning.

    For example, why did you feel the need to repeat the questions from the prompt? Was that to give you focus or for some other reason? Might it have been possible for you to work though one example that addressed several of these questions? if so, what prevented you from doing that here?

    As you can see by my prior paragraph, I think that asking questions is critical to come up with an interesting post. You should be supplying your own questions, even with the prompt. Thats called "taking ownership." Then you should spending some time addressing them. The meta skill to develop is learning to ask a good question. It would be good to learn that skill as you learn the economics.

    1. When I was reading the promt initally I felt as though there were alot of parts to the question, and I wanted to ensure that I answered all parts of the questions. As you noticed in reading my post, I had a hard time coming up with one example to address all parts of the question. I started by seperating the parts of the prompt and attempted to come up with more specific answers to the indivdual questions within the prompt. I think by doing this, I complelty missed addressing the overall theme of the question and I did not tie my ideas together.

      I thought that it would be a good stategy to seperate the parts of the question, to make sure that a I fully answered all parts of the questions, but it took away from pulling my ideas together to form a comprehensive answer, that also addresses all of the questions within in the prompt. In the future, if there is a prompt with several different questions that are nesssesary to address, a pre-writing exercise could be to answer all the questions seperatley, as I have done above. After doing this, I think it would be benefical to then try and generate a complete answer from the indivdual answers.


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